Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Sacred Month of Muharram

Another gift from Al-Huda . Right click and open the pictures in new window to see the enlarged version.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Jumay k din

Al-Huda has always been an inspiration. Here is the pamphlet i got from their site about Juma.
Right click and open the pictures in new window to see the enlarged version.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My broken words !!

i know words
i know the meaning
to line them up
and convey a notion
i can make them scrabble
through your tiny head
i can make them fly
beneath your eyesight
as they walk and lean
and talk in your dream
they can show you
the life’s real theme
the darker side
of you story
so called glory
your life’s tragedy
you ultimate climax
but it’s my words
and they won’t go astray
searching for you
following you
to tear you apart
cos these are words
my words!!

I was only dreaming!!

the sky was blue
and moon was high

clouds were hidden
and rain was pouring

painter was creative
and started writing

a seedless garden
and it was flourishing

the bright sunlight
and it was darkening

the utter reality
and i was imagining

wind was still
and hair were gust

eyes were shut
and i was watching

the untold truth
and i was believing

life was dead
and i was breathing

and the only thing is
i was only dreaming!!

A little!!

a little wish
a little smile
a little shiny sprinkle from d sky

a little faith
a little disbelief
a little truth for d perception

a little trust
a little fear
a little laugh from d heart

a little warmth
a little glow
a little fire for d show

a little professional
a little private
a little stealing from d pocket money

a little dream
a little reality
a little gush for d soul

a little fair
a little funny
a little love fom d honey

it really is
a little little
a little we wish for ...

A white knight !!

in the middle of the night
when the moon is so high
and the light is so bright

all the gardener’s delight
starts coming back
in a joyous plight

an angels flight
up the sky
out of sight

when the whisper sings
with a beautiful smile
ladened with golden wings

its a white knight
asking for forgiveness
from the king of mighty might’s

from the knower of black and white
comes all the way
a blessed rainbow light

in the middle of night
when the moon is so high
and the light is so bright :)

if only !!

if only to avoid the half happiness
that takes me away from you

if only to crush the half mind
to stop believing what i had been into

if only to sense the blurred half sight
to see the soul’s flight

if only to utter the mumbled half words
to know if you could still understand me

if only to take the half breath
to feel if am still alive

if only i could pull the magic out of you
to know if your charms still work

if only i could be half dead
to sense the half pain
to bring me closer to youu!!

and for ‘some’ people who took it otherwise hahaha i need to explain ou the context :)
1st Stanza: in regard of relation to Allah Talah, to avoid the pleasure that takes me away from him.
2nd Stanza: to forget any bad things that happened in the past.
3rd Stanza: to experience death.
4th Stanza: for people who are around a person, who is on his/her death bed.
5th Stanza: to feel life.
6th Stanza: as how people take advantage of others by their charming personalities.
7th Stanza: for Allah Talah, cos we only remember him while we are in pain and if that is so then pain should be a constant form of our live’s.

and so my wishes……

i want a projector
2 see my life rushing through

i want a butterfly
2 colour the days with its shine

i want a clock
to rewind back the time

i want smoke
to blacken up the existence

i want white
to brighten up the eyes

i want autumn
to set the emotions dry

i want paint
to hide the scratched layer

above all
i want myself
to feel the joy of me!!

The moon fairy and a star prince

another night
another dream

the moon fairy
a star prince

make up the night
and go swish

the earth lady
and sleepy funland

a sweet dream
that happens again

brings back the charm
to her garland

they will shine
till she wakes

the moon fairy
a star prince

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Para 3 - Difficult words with root words and meanings


These are difficult words from Para 3 of Qur'an Pak. The roots of the words are given next to them and the third column contains the meanings of the root words.
Right click and open the pictures in new window to see the enlarged version.

Para 4 - Difficult words with root words and meanings


I just got these from a friend and thought to share. Right click and open the pictures in new window to get the enlarged view.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who saved Ali's life? - A Real Love Story Part 2


Ali is the had of a middle class family and lives in Rawalpindi with his wife and kids. He and his son Sultan work at ISI headquarters in Rawalpindi. Ali had to shift his house in an emergency, so they acquired the first house they got. The place he shifted to was located right in the middle of a bazaar and the apartment was also very cramped, unsuitable for his family size of 8 people. All the family members were unhappy because they all had to adjust with the noise of the Bazaar and every body had to change their routes they used to take to go their office, school and college etc. Ali and his son Sultan also had to change the bus they used to take to their office.

2 months later an ISI bus is blown into ashes. All the people inside the bus were burnt and were found in the same posture they were in at the time the bus got fire.
That was the same bus that Ali and Sultan used to take before shifting to their new house. They could have been in the same bus. The change of route saved their life.

So who do you think saved their lives?? Or was this just a miracle??

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to follow Sunnat / Sunnah

Well it's a ground fact that we-the people of modern ages find it really difficult to follow Sunnah. When i started following it, the most frequent faced problem was that i FORGOT. I'm sure same would be the case to you. By time i've learned that its not that difficult. Here is my easy way of following Sunnah. I'll narrate this by an example also.

Following Sunnat consists of short dua's e.g. entering the home dua, dua before eating, dua made before drinking etc.

1) Analyse your ability of learning i.e. whether you are fast at learning or your slow.
2) Make a target of memorizing the Dua's e.g. you will memorize a dua every two weeks.
3) Now that you have learned a dua e.g. the dua Bis mi kalla humma .......... (of waking up) and you know that when you get up from sleep you rub your eyes with your hands and then you recite this dua.

The very first possiblity is that you will forget it i.e. forget to recite it when you wake up. How to cope with that??

4) Sit down and imagine yourself that your asleep, you get up rub your eyes and recite this dua.
5) Now repeat this imagination for around 5 times.

Insha Allah the next time you really wake up from your sleep you'll surely remember what to do. Because you have programmed your mind to these specific actions to be done when waking up.
Gud luck :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ain't chocolate falling from the sky?? - Real Love Story Part 1


Have you ever seen chocolate falling from the sky??
I have :D and trust me there's no better thing than that.

Well apart from chocolate it was a cake decorated with choclate.
So actually it was the cake which just fell from the sky.

Hmm so it begins like Its Thursday evening
I'm all wanting to eat a chocolate cake
but Father is tired can't take me out, no guests on the list who can bring in a chocolate cake
So the only thing that i could do was to forget the chocolate cake [and my taste is special, i mean there's only a special choclate cake that i eat]

So forgot the cake. Laid down on the Sofa and watched t.v.

Suddenly its a bell on the door 'Tring Tring'
and guess what comes in?? 'A REAL CHOCOLATE CAKE' [and the one that i love]

Oh my My WheRe DID It COMe fRoM??

Our washerman's son just dropped by to meet my father.
P.S: He had never been to our house before ever ever ever.

Do you really think that it was the washerman's son who came out of no where just to deliver a cake??
No it was not
It was Allah Talah who just sent it for me. Alham du lillah
So the next time you wish for anything just have a belief in your Allah :)

And the most surprising thing was that it was exactly the same cake that i eat!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When there's no light!!

I have got a paper tomorrow. You know that??
And Ahh theres no light.
So what am i supposed to do. Stop studying right??
ahh. I wish i could :D but as i can't so this is my trick :D

All you need is:
i)   One or two candles.
ii)  A torch.
iii) A place a bit above the place where you sit and study.

Simple light up a candle and place the torch with its direction facing upwards.
Why upward?
I'm not sitting on the roof :o:o:o

But the trick is that it brightens up the whole room ;)
And its the precious candle that gives you the light to study. And you can also lit two candles. They work pretty good.

How to heal bad heels??

So you have bad heels!! hmmm. like these?? no?? worse then?? :p

A simple solution to these is to take fats (charbi) which can be easily found at a butcher shop or you can simply cut that down from the meat you bring to your kitchen.
Heat the fat (charbi) in oven or on the stove. It will leave oil like this one.

Simply apply it on your heels a two to the layers as every layer will dry up in no time, then put on socks and leave it for the night over.
Trust me you'll notice the difference in a day. And the ruptured heels like the one above can been treated in a single week Insha Allah. :)
Good luck

P.S: I tried it myself and it works. Some of the old granny tricks ;)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Introducing 'A real love story'

Do you know where the real love story begins?? or where it ends??
It begins when are born and it never dies :)

Do you know between who and whom it is??
Its between us and our creator Allah Talah :]

Do you know what really goes inside it??
It only blessings and blessings sometimes in the form of this we like and sometimes in the form of things we don't like ;)

Do you konw how its intrepreted??
By our actions.

And do you know whats the result gonna be like??Tell me how you want it to be??
Awsome. no??

Every love story ends with a meeting between the 'who' and the 'whom'?? Right??
So we all surely want to end it the manner when we meet our Allah Talah :))

So how to know him??
Don't you observe your daily life miracles where things happen out of places where you have not even imagined them to be !!

Enough of the intro and the buzz talking :p What i seriously would be sharing are some beautiful and never forgetable incidents of my love story :) Stay tuned and stay Blessed.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Evil eye

Aslam was the descendent of a small town near Sahiwal. He was young generous lad who was almost 22 years. One day he was sitting on a shop and a little girl all wrapped up in a scarf over her head was carrying a small buck of water over her head.

Aslam said' look, she's so beautiful. The girl went a little ahead, fell down, the water spilled and the bucket broke.

Once he was going to a friend’s home he saw a very beautiful tree with the perfect stem arousing from it like the one used for tying a swing. He went to his friend’s home and on the way back that the tree’s beautiful stem was laying on the ground, broken. (It was all natural, nobody cut the tree)

Qadir was among the elite people of town and he had very beautiful kids Saqib and Saqlain. The kids were aged 4-5 years, neat and clean, all tied up and very soft spoken.

While they were going for a play Aslam saw them and praised their beauty. Within a week both of the children died.

This is a true story from my own village. The person who narrated it to me personally knew Aslam and according to him he was not a jealous or envious man. He was like a normal young man.


Do say ' Masha Allah ' when you see a beautiful thing. Evil eye is a truth and everybody should try to save themselves and others from it.

It is said that the 'evil eye' only works when someone is envious towards you or is jealous, but Aslam was a good person himself and i don't think so he did it intentionally. It was only about not remembering Allah when seeing a beautiful thing.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Quranic Answers to my situation!!

It's the miracle of Quran that when ever you are facing a problem, the Ayah's you read that day relate to your problem and tell you the solution.

Today i was sobing over the mistakes that i did in the past. I had to complete my homework i.e. to write running translation in my Qur'anic notebook. The Ayah 160 from Surah Al-Baqarah struck me the most. It is clearly me that whatever i had done has been done, and if i repent i'll surely be granted for Allah is the only fogiver who never lets us down. And may Allah Talah forgive all my mistakes. Amin :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sakina's Daughter in law

It was the evening of 1973 when the Baraat arrived in the village. All the people including Alina gathered around the corners of the roof tops to catch a glimpse of the bride. The bride was a non-relative of the groom, and the groom was considered to be one the most handsome man in town. The bride covered all up in a big Chaddar walked towards her house-to-be. As the bride was not from the town, so all the curiosity gathered to the point as how she looked like. And guess what happened when the curtain was raised (or in other words: the moment bride was put on the show for the village females)??

'She's not at all beautiful!!'
'She's fat'
'Ain't she a bit too blackish??'
'Why has Sakina done this to her son??'
and the never ending comments of the geriatrics, the teens etc etc

Alina who was about to get married in a year, rushed to tell her sister Rubab that the bride is not what they expected her to be.
'Rubab!!! she's fat, she's black and she walks like a camel' *hahahahahaha*
'I wonder what Sakina chachi though while asking for her hand??' 'Her son is so beautiful, has she gone mad???'

Rubab who was a sensitive and mature girl told Alina to not react this way. She told her that its the inner beauty that matters and not what she looks like. But it was Alina who just won't listen to what Rubab was saying and rushed to another friends home to tell her about the 'outsider bride.'

Alina got married to Tahir and was blessed with 7 children from Allah Talah.

Alina's eldest son Akhtar (the beautiful one among all her children) gets married. And guess how his bride looks like???

Same as the 'outsider bride'!!!

Lesson: Be careful with what you say.

Story told by : Rubab

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I have an uncle who was once reprimanded his servant for not bringing the glass of water in a tray. He taught him that whenever you are asked for a thing bring it in tray.
After a week or so my uncle asked the servant to bring his shoes, and the servant brough them in tray :)

The Egg

The interview at ISSB (Inter services selection board) is pretty more pyschological where they check the candidate's mental capabilities.
Once the interviewer placed an egg under a cup and asked the candidate to pick it up without touching the mug. The candidate smilingly said 'How do i know that if there's an egg in there or not'
The interviewer picked up the mug and said 'Look its here'
The candidate picked up the egg and said 'Look i did it' :)


During an interview in the ISSB which was going on the third floor of the building, a candidate was asked to jump from the window. *You cannot deny a senior's order in army.
The candidate rose up, went to window, climbed, turned around and jumped inside the room :)


The website that my father owns is basically of mcqs and also contains a book about ISSB (Inter Services Selection Board). Recently a candidate of ISSB called my father. He thanked my father and said that he did very well in the ISSB because of the help he got from the website and the book.
During his interview he gave answers of almost all the questions and that too very efficiently. The Selectors asked from where did he prepared so well. He said that he prepared from the website www.pak.......... .  The Selectors started laughing and told them that they had prepared there questions from the same website :)

The security key

My father runs a website on which he has uploaded a book and the guide to open that book. To get the book you have to pay and tell my dad your machine id. In reply of which he will tell you a security code to open that book. He has also uploaded a file in which he has given the example machine id in case you do not understand what a machine id is.
One day he received a message saying 'I have paid the money, kindly let me know the security code to open it'
My father asked for the user's machine id. In reply he sent his machine id. My father replied him with the security code, but the user was unable to open the book and kept on messaging my father that its not working. Upon that my father called him and told him the procedure but still he was unable to open the book. After a toil of almost a quarter day, my father opened the guide to see what was the problem with it, and he came to know that the user has sent the machine id given as example in the guide book and no this machine id.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dhur Dhur

I have the most adorable neice in the world alham du lillah :) here's the kiddo namely Munazza !!

We were overwhelmed with joy when she started and would teach her every single nasty word :D . Munazza is very fond of eating salt and whenever she wanted it she would say : 'Lalaaaaaaa' *with a tilted head and innocent smile* to address my cousin. By Lalaa she means anti.

My cousin was doing something when Munazza called 'Lalaaa'. She looked towards her with a smile and said 'Yessss'. In a very soft reply, raising her eyebrows Munazza said 'Dhur Dhur'

* Dhur dhur is a punjabi word which in english means 'Get lost' hehe :D

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Meow Scene

About 1 and a half year back I, SB, TJ and TQ were having dinner at hostel. SB got a text and started laughing hysterically. TQ had gone to kitchen to grab something. Meanwhile SB told us the text and it goes like:

4 men in jail
1 rapist
1 murderer
1 psycho
1 gay

the rapist says: "if there was a cat here, i'd fuck it till i die"
the murderer says: "when u're done with it, i'd strangle it to death"
the psycho says: "when u've killed it, i'd fuck it till i die"
the gay sitting quietly in the corner says: MEOW

By the time TQ came in we were laughing like the TOM in the TOM AND JERRY SHOW.
We told TQ about the text *and that too with a great difficulty cos we just couldn't stop laughing* and with an almost expression less face she inquired 'WAS THERE A CAT IN THERE?'

Strange Trees

In villages it is commonly oberserved that people specially ladies do not leave their house unless and until it is very necessary. I'm talking about almost 30 years back, when i was not even born ;) . My grand mother had a friend who must be almost 50 years old at that time, experienced to go out of the village for the very first time. Once she came back my grand mother asked her eagerly how did she feel about going out.
She exclaimed ' You won't imagine, the momen i stepped into the bus all the trees started running' :)

The Don Carlos Ad

My grand mother is a 75 years old now. She did not study anything except Qur'an in her entire life. There were no facilites to get education in the era she was born.
Once when i was in my first year, we went to village alongwith our cousins. At night we were all watching t.v. and the famous Don Carlos Ad came up. You remember this one?

My grand mother in a very pitiful voice said to us 'be quiet children, can't you see she is singing a very sad song'

*Her innocence didn't let her judge that it's an ad :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The heating rod

Once upon a time when my father was leautinent he had a friend leautinent Arshad who just got a new servant for himself. He asked the servant to heat the water for him with the heating rod. After an hour when he inquired the servant about the water he said that initially the heating rod was red (means working) but it went off after a while. Leautinent Arshad went to fix the rod.
When he got outside he saw that the bucket was being placed above two bricks and heating rod was being placed underneath the bucket between the two bricks :)