Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sakina's Daughter in law

It was the evening of 1973 when the Baraat arrived in the village. All the people including Alina gathered around the corners of the roof tops to catch a glimpse of the bride. The bride was a non-relative of the groom, and the groom was considered to be one the most handsome man in town. The bride covered all up in a big Chaddar walked towards her house-to-be. As the bride was not from the town, so all the curiosity gathered to the point as how she looked like. And guess what happened when the curtain was raised (or in other words: the moment bride was put on the show for the village females)??

'She's not at all beautiful!!'
'She's fat'
'Ain't she a bit too blackish??'
'Why has Sakina done this to her son??'
and the never ending comments of the geriatrics, the teens etc etc

Alina who was about to get married in a year, rushed to tell her sister Rubab that the bride is not what they expected her to be.
'Rubab!!! she's fat, she's black and she walks like a camel' *hahahahahaha*
'I wonder what Sakina chachi though while asking for her hand??' 'Her son is so beautiful, has she gone mad???'

Rubab who was a sensitive and mature girl told Alina to not react this way. She told her that its the inner beauty that matters and not what she looks like. But it was Alina who just won't listen to what Rubab was saying and rushed to another friends home to tell her about the 'outsider bride.'

Alina got married to Tahir and was blessed with 7 children from Allah Talah.

Alina's eldest son Akhtar (the beautiful one among all her children) gets married. And guess how his bride looks like???

Same as the 'outsider bride'!!!

Lesson: Be careful with what you say.

Story told by : Rubab

1 comment:

  1. i love this line
    "(or in other words: the moment bride was put on the show for the village females)??"
    lovd it...
    history truely repeats itself...
    awesome message again:)
